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About the EGL: MidCentral Regional Leadership Group

Enabling Good Lives MidCentral Regional Leadership Group

The Enabling Good Lives MidCentral Regional Leadership Group ensures that there is equitable representation from persons with Disability, Family/Whanau, Mana Whenua, Pasifika, Deaf Community and Providers in the MidCentral region.

Each group determines a process for selecting a person(s) to be their representative in the leadership group.

Leadership representatives agree to become familiar with and be committed to the following:

  1. The Enabling Good Lives vision and principles
  2. Working co-operatively within the leadership group

To contact the Enabling Good Lives MidCentral Leadership Group:

Email       eglinourcommunity@gmail.com

Online      Enabling Good Lives MidCentral (Facebook page) (external website)


MidCentral Core Groups

All Core Groups are part of the wider community and meet prior to each leadership group meeting to:

  • Support the people they selected to be on the RLG
  • Provide guidance to their members on the RLG
  • Offer a space where a wider group of interested local people can discuss ideas, potential impacts and perspectives on suggested changes
  • Assist with hosting community forums
  • Provide a place where people with specific experiences and expertise can offer their views to the local leaders before RLG meetings
  • Participation in core group meetings is voluntary

Family Core Group (Facebook group) (external website)

Disabled and Deaf Peoples Core Group (Facebook group) (external website)