The purpose of this register is to record the interests and activities of the members of the MidCentral Governance Group.
Sometimes people in the group might have a conflict of interest when we are talking and making decisions.
A conflict of interest is when someone cannot make a fair decision because:
- they have something to do with what is being talked about
- they could benefit in some way when a decision is made.
As a group we will and talk with each other about how to manage any conflict of interest. And we will write down how we make this decision in this register.
The register will be regularly reviewed and updated.
Activity / Interest
Peter Allen
- Member of the MidCentral Leadership Group - representing disabled people and mana whenua
- Member of Kapo Māori
- Member of Blind Low Vision NZ
- My Life My Voice
- National EGL
- Self-connect with Mana Whaikaha
- Director of Mana Whaikaha Limited
- Board member of Workbridge
- Trustee for Nga Manu Kai Ngakau Trust
Rachel Kenny
- People First member
- Treasurer of People First Manawatu
- Member of the MidCentral Leadership Group - representing disabled people
- uses IDEA services
- has a Connector through Mana Whaikaha
Martin Sullivan
- Member of the MidCentral Leadership Group - representing disabled people
- Member of DPA Palmerston North & Districts
- Member Palmerston North City Council Disability Reference Group
- Receive personal budget from Mana Whaikaha
- Shareholder of Mana Whaikaha Limited
Rasela Fuauli
- Member of the MidCentral Leadership Group - representing family and whānau
- Shareholder of Mana Whaikaha Limited
Pip Brunn
- Daughter receives support from Mana Whaikaha in the form of a personal budget.
- Is a member of the MidCentral DHB Consumer Council
- Shareholder of Mana Whaikaha Limited
Peter Ireland
None to declare
Regena Te Whaiti
- CEO/Taha Wairua Mauri Ora Trust
- Providers Core Group
- Creator and Founder of Tangat Whaikaha Holisitic Hauora
- Rōngoā Māori Practitioner with Application with ACC Māori Consultation
- Governance for Mana/Tangata Whaikaha
Toni Griffiths
- Member of the MidCentral Leadership Group - representing providers
- National Manager of Choices NZ